This political blog came out of my experiences in the current political landscape and teaching Critical Thinking and Ethical Reasoning courses in higher ed. There's a need to simplify jargon, concepts, governing rules, and hot topic issues so that more people can have better access to our political system through increased knowledge on political topics. I keep hearing "well, what exactly does that mean?" a lot these days, so I am going to try to do my part to help.
The sole purpose of this site is to try to educate and maybe interject some much needed humor.
As far as a resume goes, I have a Doctorate of Professional Studies in Instructional Design along with a Master of Humanities degree. I've taught many different courses in higher education for 11 years, including but not limited to English, American Sign Language, Ethics, and Critical Thinking. I have also continued to work in corporate in different sectors of industry, including manufacturing, publishing, software engineering, public housing, and education. Some of the titles I've held are Training Technologist, Software Engineer, Instructional Designer, Manpower Controller, and Professor. Also, I am a bit of a politics nerd, especially when it comes to terminology.
Don't take all of that so seriously. I also have 10+ years of backstage theater under my belt, saber fencing in my past, I am green belt in martial arts, and I watch more movies than I should. That doesn't even touch the stacks of books that I own. Yes, that's right, I said stacks, as in a library....with stacks.
Finally, thank you so much for finding this site and reading the ramblings I produce.
There are plenty of ways available that you can become more involved. First and foremost, find out who represents you in politics, all the way locally through to nationally. To help with that (and to help spread information in general, without bias), there is a group out there called "A Starting Point":
Give them a look-over...they have an app, too! Nerdy Girl Politics is not affiliated with the group. Just spreading the word about it.
Second, use your voice and VOTE, if you can. Third, I've created a pathway on social media, specifically Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, for Nerdy Girl Politics. Help get the word out that this exists for people.
Nerdy Girls for the Win!
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